As some of you may already know I have stretched ears and I decided that I wanted to size up to 3/4 g and for that I needed to get new plugs so I went ahead and started looking online for some plugs that I found cute and that I didn't need to spend that much money on. I came across a bunch of websites and one of them was Crazy Factory. I looked through the website and found some really cute plugs and for a great price. Their prices are amazing and the sales are awesome and you also gain points with every purchase. They sell more than just plugs so if you have any body modification you should check them out! All the plugs that I bought I had to get two of each because they are not sold as a pair unless it says sold as pair. While I was looking for my plugs my fiance decided that he wanted to size up as well and he picked a pair of plugs that changes colors. How cool is that! They were more expensive but he really liked them so I bought them as well and he is still in love with them. For myself I found three pairs of plugs. As you can see in the pictures I got ones with a dove, a mermaid and pink ones. The prices were amazing! The ones that I bought for my fiance were $13.62 for the pair, the mermaid ones were $7.62, the dove ones were $7.62 and the pink ones were $3.16. Those prices were for two of each styles. My order had free shipping because my order was over $30. My order took a few weeks to get here and the only thing that I didn't like is that they don't give you a tracking number and if you are anything like me then you want to know exactly where your package is at and when is going to be delivered but everything other than that was great.
The package got to me in very good conditions and I was very happy with everything I purchased. I have been wearing the mermaid ones because they are just so cute and I love mermaids so they were just perfect! I have recently been looking at their website again and they have so many new ones now and I feel like I just want to have them all! I am thinking of getting a few more soon so I will definitely be sharing another haul with you whenever I decide to buy more. Overall I really like Crazy Factory and I would recommend them!
Link to Crazy Factory:
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